Feeding Students and Families


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” – Muhammad Ali

Food is a connector; it unites people to their culture, to their family, and to their friends. As a life-long youth advocate and recent business owner, I see the power food can have to teach important lessons about work ethic, self-worth and health. My hope is to build a business that gives back to those in need, especially during this difficult and unpredictable time.  With so many family providers out of work, the need to feed others grows greater with each passing day.  By partnering with Fancy A Fork, You can be that difference.  You can help feed our families in need.

100% of your donation goes towards purchasing groceries to cook family style meals from scratch, to then be delivered to families of students in Kissimmee in Central Florida, on an ongoing basis.  In addition, 5% of every regular catering order through Fancy A Fork will also be deposited into this fund – even more ways to give! You give the cash, I give the culinary!  Because every family should enjoy fresh, healthy, high quality meals.

With even the smallest gift, you can bring love, joy and hope to so many through home cooked gourmet food, turning this endeavor into a permanent component of Fancy A Fork.

Updates will be posted below, along with stories and photos, and will be treated with care and sensitivity.

Every dollar matters.  Share far and wide.

Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!


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